Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CPS approves plan ending Whittier school sit-in

The Chicago school board agreed this morning that schools chief Ron Huberman can give parents a signed letter outlining the terms of an agreement that could end a weeks-long sit-in at the Whittier Elementary School field house.

Previously, Huberman said the district would install a library at the school and cancel plans to tear down the field house.

Huberman said today that he will meet again Friday with the parents, who have occupied the field house since Sept. 15, to work out details. Whittier parent Araceli Gonzalez said the group will decide whether to leave the field house based on the outcome of that meeting.

One sticking point is where the library will be located. This may become a matter of contention since space is tight, parents said. They are unwilling to give up a newly renovated science lab or computer lab for the library.

Huberman vowed to deliver a signed letter to parents by 5 p.m. today acknowledging the agreement.

-- Noreen Ahmed-Ullah


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