Dodger Stadium is about the only thing the Los Angeles Dodgers have going for them by Kevin Warwick As the all-star game hubbub passes and the baseball season starts its second run, Los Angeles Dodgers fans can proudly raise a pair of middle fingers to the whining, woe-is-me bullshit of Cubs and Sox fans, because the Dodgers only have two things going for them now: Matt Kemp, who is just killing it, and Dodger Stadium. When I visited southern California a couple weeks ago, one of my few checklist items besides lollygagging around �berwealthy beach towns and stuffing my face with self-serve frozen yogurt was to take in a Dodgers game.?
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Source: http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/a-visit-to-the-nostalgic-home-of-the-less-than-artful-dodgers/Content?oid=4252512
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