Prosecutors said today that Clarence George, 20, showed up at Foreman High School in what appeared to be a police uniform -- complete with handcuffs, bulletproof vest and empty gun holster -- just a day after fights at the school left a police officer injured and led to a dozen student arrests.
He allegedly approached school staff and identified himself by name, saying he was a police cadet assigned to help provide security. Once inside, he entered an assistant principal's office and stole a briefcase with the computer, camera, an iPod and computer thumb drives, police and prosecutors said.
The assistant principal later noticed the briefcase was missing. A review of security camera footage led police to George's home in the 4700 block of South Ellis Avenue on Monday, where they recovered the vest, a pellet gun and holster, handcuffs and items stolen from the school, according to a copy of his arrest report.
He allegedly told officers that he had already pawned the computer, which was later recovered, the arrest report stated.
George, who has no prior criminal history, was charged with felony impersonation of a police officer and felony theft. He was held in lieu of $70,000 bail by Circuit Judge Laura Sullivan and faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted.
The assistant principal referred questions about the incident to Chicago Public Schools' spokeswoman Monique Bond, who said George's appearance at the school occurred when there was greater police presence due to the fight the previous day.
Bond said that it is uncommon for school officials to ask police officers for identification, and that George was introduced to the principal as someone in law enforcement.
"This individual took advantage of the access he was given," Bond said. "In light of it, we're reminding schools to check IDs anytime someone comes on campus who they don't know and to challenge those who don't present an ID. There's no need for a change in policy here, just a reminder to verify the identities of people."
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